In lockstep with the recently redesigned SAT, we're introducing a prep course designed to fully prepare students for what to expect on test day. Our revamped course includes a comprehensive review of each new section and corresponding material, 2 full-length practice tests, individualized score reporting, small-group instruction, and the same confidence boosting and time management training/ techniques as our previous courses!
SAT OVERVIEW & Important Changes
The SAT is a standardized college readiness exam administered nationally by the CollegeBoard. SAT (and/ or ACT) scores are used as a major factor in determining admission to a vast majority of universities within (and even beyond) the United States. In March of 2016, the SAT was redesigned to better reflect high school curricula around the nation.
The new SAT is 3 hours long (with an additional 50 minutes for the optional essay). There are four sections:
- Reading
- Writing and Language
- Math (Calculator and Non-calculator sections)
- Essay (Optional)
The three sections rotate in 20-65 minute segments that students complete sequentially. The new test focuses on the same core knowledge and skills needed for success in college and beyond, but it places a greater emphasis on prior knowledge like vocabulary and foundational math skills.
Scores are calculated out of 1600 possible points (with 400 being the lowest). Key important changes include: fewer, longer sections, no penalties for wrong answers, and 4 answer choices instead of 5. Additionally, all responses must be recorded on the answer sheet before the conclusion of the test.
Reading (52 questions) and Writing and Language (44 questions)
The current Evidence-Based Reading and Writing component of the SAT focuses on vocabulary, specifically the meaning of words within a given context and their impact and tone. It is also more structurally complex, placing a greater emphasis on grammar skills.
Passages are drawn from more historically and scientifically significant documents and can include charts and graphs.
Math (58 questions)
The Math component of the new SAT centers an application-based approach to problems which includes higher-level math and multiple steps.
Identical to the old SAT, there are still grid-in questions which require students to generate the answer on their own. This is all meant to measure the student’s understanding of the theories behind mathematical principles.
Although the essay is optional, most colleges require the SAT with Essay.
In the essay, students are provided with a passage and tasked with analyzing how the author built his argument and listing the literary devices used to persuade the reader.
The essay is meant to evaluate reading comprehension, analysis, and writing skills.
Essay results are scored and reported separately.
The summer intensive program has been carefully designed around key concepts and engineered to produce results. Through our course, students will achieve and improve upon:
Concept Mastery - In depth review of all areas of the SAT, including tips, tricks, and best practices for each section and sub-section. Instruction will also be tailored to your student's specific areas of growth during focus group sections.
Time Management - From our research, effective time management seems to be one of the biggest strategies NOT taught in many other prep programs. We've taken that information and made it one of our key focus areas for this course.
Overall Confidence/ Motivation - Studies have shown that working in small groups not only increases retention and expands access to information, but it also boosts confidence and motivation. By explaining material and concepts to others, ideas are reinforced and cemented into the mind. The team oriented nature of small groups also engenders a sense of community in which everyone feels obliged to the success of all (including themselves)!